Atmos CSPT Training in Dubai!
Last month our partner in the UAE Automotive Ancillaries Ltd, Dubai kindly offered to host a regional intesive, hands-on practical service and sales training for our Middle Eastern and African distributors.
The training involved all electric and mobile compressors and was conducted by our Service Director Mr. Lédl. As Automotive Ancillaries stock all our machines, the training for our service engineers was very practical and the ten participants could benefit from instructions directly at the machines.
After completing our structured training course the proud participants received their certificate and are authorized to get involved in all service activities for the complete range of Atmos compressors.
👏 The Atmos team including our President VIT LINHART, our Vice President Jawad Kamal and our Service Director Bohumil Lédl are deeply grateful to Automotive Ancillaries Ltd and their team for giving us such an excellent opportunity!